Day 1
Went as Krobelus the Death Prophet from Dota 2. Literally finished rushing my Fluttering Mortis just the night before the event.
Really happy that people actually know where I'm from! I still get this little thrill inside when people ask 'you're Death Prophet from Dota 2 right?' I feel like, 'yesss a fellow Dota 2 playerrrr <3'
Sadly, I didn't meet everyone I wanted to meet.. couldn't look out for people cause I was half blind the whole day. My lenses were not only 0 degrees (I need 400 :P), it was white screened too. So on top of not having the power I needed, there was an extra layer blocking my view. I'm not sure if I have ignored people who smiled/waved at me. If I did, please know that I'm not ignoring you on purpose!
Sexy Juggernaut
Really happy to see my fellow dota 2 cosplayers. Sorry though, I don't have any really nice pics of all of us.. T-T
Day 2
Went as Konata Izumi from Lucky Star.
After cosplaying Dota 2 characters so much recently, I must say that I felt a bit bare being in a simple school uniform. *I need armor for protection*
Still, a BIG THANK YOU to my Hiiragi sisters for being with me <3.
My derpiness is high in this one...
Honestly though, I'm not entirely satisfied with my Konata cosplay. Felt like I'm a little too old for such a cute character. Plus, my costume and wig wasn't as perfect as I wanted them to be. The wig is a shade too light, my uniform is a shade too light, and the ribbon that came with the uniform was wrong so I had to make one at the very last minute which was quite horribly done.
My sincerest apologies for letting this happen. *cries in a corner*
Plus, I honestly felt really awkward having to be 'cute' as Konata. I felt like I was out of place, awkward, and just a little lost. Took me a long time to gather what little cuteness I have in me now that I'm so old. Well I guess that's what you get for cosplaying a character 8 years younger than you.
...and then I managed to be young for a short while.
How old do I look in this picture?
Ooh, and there's Oo-kun too! The blue cat, it's so cute. At first I couldn't comprehend why everyone was so crazy over it. But after taking the Oo-kun balloon, I think I get it now. Plus, I must admit, that balloon did, somewhat helped me get into character. :P