Who's that sassy Pokemon?
It's Chikorita!
Okay, you may ignore that.
Anyhoo. My little brother has apparently fallen in love with the chic. He's growing up, alright.
So I've decided to make him a Chikorita plushie. The pattern I used is completely original, with no reference from anywhere. Hence, be prepared to see how horrible it is.
Not that horrible at the moment. Yet.
But despite the fact that I did not do justice to cute little Chikorita by making her look like a fat, deformed green thing, I would actually like to cut myself some slack, tap myself on the back and say: "not too bad for a first, eh?"
Unfinished body.
Yes, it's my very first time designing a sewn plush pattern based on absolutely nothing. And only the third time sewing a 3D plush. (I've only made 2 sewn plushies using other people's original/modified patterns. And before that it was all amigurumis and 2D felt plushes. So yeah.)
Chikorita taking shape! Not horrible yet. Even if it was, it's too late to turn back now, isn't it?
Dayum, isn't she a darling?
If she had a facebook account, this would never be her profile picture.
She's cute even when she's made of pixels and looks blurry...

OMG... What have I done?!
¡Tengo que probar a hacerlo!